Walking Wolf Dancers & Singers
Walking Wolf Ray (Co-Co) Stevenson is a Cree and Ojibway musician. Through drums and ceremony, he has been teaching organizations and schools to sing Traditional and Powwow songs for over 33 years. He runs his company Walking Wolf Dancers & Singers and works at the North End – Winnipeg School Division. Five years ago, Co-Co started a Powwow club at the University of Winnipeg, and later at the University of Manitoba. He has shared his talents locally with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra and Folklorama, and has travelled internationally performing in the United States, Italy, Germany, at the Olympics, and Summer Games in Toronto.
All sessions by Ray (Co-Co) Stevenson
How Drumming Changed My Life
18 May 2023
1:45 pm-3:00 pm
4. How Indigenous Song and Drum Enhance You and Your Spirit
15 May 2024
3:16 pm - 4:30 pm